• 15 September 2016, Thursday
  • Moscow, Новый Арбат, 24

Moscow Music Week 2016 eng

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Другие события организатора

3095 дней назад
с 11:00 15 September до 19:00 18 September 2016
Новый Арбат, 24

International Music Conference

International music conference Moscow Music Week 2016 will take place on September 15-18 at “October” cinema-center (New Arbat, 24)

Conference Moscow Music Week organized together with Colisium traditionally will gather all leading representatives of music and media industry and will become the perfect platform for professional networking.

Speakers and participants are known promoters, organizers of events and festivals, artist managers, famous musicians, music journalists, ticketing operators, representatives and owners of live venues, labels, insurance companies, digital platforms and services, booking agencies and others.

This year conference will meet guest delegates from 10 European countries and all active regions of Russia and CIS countries.

Registration is open at www.colisium.org.

4 day marathon of panels, workshops and presentations traditionally will take place together with a showcase festival Moscow Music Week which includes 20 live venues with more than 150 upcoming artists of multiple genres. 
